Our Blog
If you purchased your 2018 health insurance policy through the Marketplace, and you reside in Greene or Christian county, you’re probably covered by “Ambetter Health”. This was a new company to residents in our area, and as we were hesitant at first to discuss our personal feelings toward the reputation of the company based on…
On October 12, 2017 President Trump signed an executive order in an effort to improve healthcare. Within this order was a proposal to expand Short-Term Insurance plans to less than 12 months, but greater than the currently held two-month limit in Missouri. Who’s a good fit for a Short Term plan? Those who are “in-between”…
November 1, 2013 was a day I remember all too well…for any individual health insurance broker, this particular day began with many unknowns and in a financial industry, not a comfortable place to start business. For those of you who don’t know, this was the first day that the “Marketplace” became live in Missouri (www.healthcare.gov,…
The individual open enrollment window officially closed on December 15, 2017…and if you have a broker who works on your behalf, you might have heard them a time or two reference it as our “tax season”, so to speak. It’s a time of deadlines, back to back appointments, plan changes, and lots of it, within…
For many of you, September is still marked as the beginning of the school year—but creeping upon us will soon be the time of year that many will need to review and/or change their Medicare coverage, or Individual Health Insurance plan. If you’re “Medicare-Eligible”, that is, you’re over age 65 (or eligible for Medicare due…
I’ve always been particularly obsessed with design and décor…I can certainly leave whatever work ailments I have behind and pretend it doesn’t exist the second my hands get to forming a new design on a wall in my house. It all seems to begin with a few nights plopped on the sofa staring at…
One of my dearest clients once mentioned to me years ago while I was reviewing his medical insurance how convenient it would be if all of his insurance could be “under one roof”. He was referring to his auto and home policies, since those are products that IGO hasn’t focused on since our beginning in…
It’s finally time to dust off those crock pots that have been put to rest since Winter and get back in the grind! Back to school has happened, or WILL BE happening in your household soon, and what’s better in the midst of learning new classroom schedules, new studies and longer days than an ALREADY…
I could talk about organization all day long—in fact, if you caught last week’s blog about minimalism, you’ll start to catch a bit of my obsession with cleanliness. But getting a house organized is one thing—I can master that….I’ve become the “go-to” friend in my circle for all things advice in terms of what to…
I love a clean home….I feel like to some degree it speaks of my character; in fact, just two nights ago as I rummaged through my daughter’s messy car I was explaining that disorganization reflects a chaotic life—and we DON’T want to give others an impression of that. There are days where dishes are left…
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