Our Blog

Affordable Care Act Rate Calculator

By Angie Serrano | October 1, 2013

There’s a lot of talk today about the Affordable Care Act  (“OBAMACARE). If you’re curious about what your rates might be if you were to purchase insurance on your own through this marketplace, you might try out this calculator tool posted by the Kaiser Family Foundation here which estimates your rate: http://kff.org/interactive/subsidy-calculator/ According to the…

Big Changes for Us

By Nicci Troiani | September 26, 2013

In an effort to emphasize our target lines of business, we have decided to rebrand and rename to make clear to our clients, and our future clients, exactly what areas of insurance we can help them with. Angie Anderson, who co-founded the Insurance Group of the Ozarks in 2000, obtained sole ownership in August of…

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