Our Blog

6 Key Dates to Watch out for in 2014

By Nicci Troiani | December 31, 2013

CBS posted this article today you might want to keep handy “6 Key Obamacare dates to watch for in 2014” http://www.cbsnews.com/news/6-key-obamacare-dates-to-watch-for-in-2014/   Oh.. and.. Happy New Year everyone! Have a safe and happy holiday- from the Insurance Group of the Ozarks Team!  

Happy Holidays!

By Nicci Troiani | December 23, 2013

    The team at Insurance Group of the Ozarks wants to wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!  Have a great holiday season! Holiday Hours:We will be closed as of noon on 12/24 and we will reopen at 9 am on 1/2/2014. — The Insurance Group of the Ozarks Team!

Infographic: Health Insurance

By Nicci Troiani | December 5, 2013

Health Insurance can be confusing- we get it! Here’s a fantastic infographic from AmeriHealth New Jersey that breaks down some common questions! Here’s the full link if you need to see it larger: http://infographicworld.com/amerihealth-infographic-a-visual-glossary-to-health-insurance/    

Healthcare Reform and Cancellations

By Nicci Troiani | November 13, 2013

Health plans are sending hundreds of thousands of cancellation letters to people who buy their own coverage, and many Americans are now concerned about their health care plans getting cancelled.  Some are frustrated because they want to keep what they have and  others are being forced  to buy more costly policies. This leaves many consumers…

Updates on Healthcare.gov

By Nicci Troiani | November 6, 2013

We have many clients affected by the new Healthcare.gov plans- so we want to include updates on our site as we hear them. This week Healthcare.gov announced that they would be scheduling down times of the website, to try to make improvements. Here’s what you need to know: From 1 am to 5 pm EST…

Employee Feature- Leah Callahan

By Nicci Troiani | October 29, 2013

In May of 2001, Leah completed her undergraduate studies with a B.A. in Mass Communications and Sociology at Ouachita Baptist University in Arkadelphia, AR. Her education and passion for all forms of communication, including newswriting, marketing and advertising, has been a building block in all of her professional careers, beginning in Law Enforcement and now,…

Insurance Group of the Ozarks- Ribbon Cutting

By Nicci Troiani | October 25, 2013

  Our ribbon cutting on Wednesday was a success! We had a great amount of customers and chamber members come join us to celebrate. Formerly known as The Ozarks Financial Group,we debuted our new brand as Insurance Group of the Ozarks on October 23rd at 11:30 at the ribbon cutting. The ribbon cutting ceremony wass…

Insurance Group of the Ozark- Employee Feature: Angie Anderson

By Nicci Troiani | October 10, 2013

Angie co-founded The Ozarks Financial Group in 2000 and took over sole ownership of the company in 2012. With the change in ownership, Ozarks Financial Group was re-branded and re-named Insurance Group of the Ozarks. Angie founded IGO with one goal in mind: to educate and serve clients. Many agents work for one company and…

What makes Insurance Group of the Ozarks Different?

By Nicci Troiani | October 7, 2013

  We think that these points make Insurance Group of the Ozarks different than your usual run of the mill insurance agency. Our client relationships are what makes our business special.        We offer a “cup of tea” type of service and hospitality to our clients; you are always welcome to “Pop in”…

Quick Facts about this Medicare Annual Enrollment Period

By Angie Serrano | October 4, 2013

  The Medicare Open Enrollment Period has just begun (Oct 15th-Dec 7th) and rumors are abounding that the Affordable Care Act (Obama Care) will wreck Medicare. While it is true that federal funding for Medicare Advantage plans is being reduced by 2% for 2014, upon current previews of area plans, the effect of this reduction is…

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