10 Ways to Jump-Start 2020
Now that we officially have entered a new decade, it is a great time to check a few things off the list that usually get put off during the year. Here are ten things to jump-start your year and eliminate the dread of unfulfilled “to-do” lists.

- Change the filters. This is an easy thing to cross off your list. Your home air filters need to be changed every 3 months for the best efficiency. If you have a pet, every two months is recommended. The first of the year is an easy time to set a quarterly reminder and make the change.
- Plan ahead for those you love. Review your will, life insurance policies and bank accounts to confirm that beneficiaries have been assigned. No one likes to think about these details, but too often estates go unclaimed or money and time are spent probating a will because there was no plan in place for the future.
- Update your will. This point assumes you already have a will. If not, there are easy online options to create a will or companies that can help. A clearly executed and updated will eliminates the stress a family faces when they lose a loved one. A will gives your family a written record of your wishes.
- Take a walk. If one of your goals is to lose weight in 2020, a walk after lunch just three times a week can make a difference. Walking is easy to fit in at work or home and not only helps you lose weight but provides a refreshing break for the rest of your workday.
- Reconnect. As the new decade begins, contact an old friend or distant relative once a month. It is easy to lose track of time, and before you know it years have passed with no contact. Set a time to call and ask about their life and tell them a little about yours. This small act of reconnecting will result in relationships that last a lifetime.
- Clean it out. January is a great month to begin purging, especially if you find yourself snowed in or facing bad weather. Choose one room of your house and give it a deep clean. Throw out things you no longer need or use. Decluttering gives your house a fresh, new look and you will spend less time trying to locate items lost in the clutter.
- Read. There are numerous reading lists online with excellent recommendations on apps like Goodreads. You can start a group on the app or team up with friends to share reviews of books you enjoyed. Why not choose 12 book suggestions and read one a month?
- Start a gratitude journal. Creating this new habit can be something as simple as writing on notebook paper in a binder or purchasing a leather-bound journal with recycled paper. Each day journal a few words of gratitude or make a simple bullet list. You’ll be surprised how many things there are to be thankful for during a year. Expressing gratitude can lead to greater contentment and improvement in your mental health.
- Put away the phone. If you’re having coffee with a friend or spending time with a grandchild, turn off your phone and put it away. Give full attention to the one you are with and use the time to nurture the relationship. You can always call someone back, but it is impossible to regain time lost with someone you care about.
- Eat your veggies. If you want a healthier you in 2020, this is a good place to start. Eat green veggies every day. There is research showing positive health benefits with this small change. If you don’t love the green stuff, try green smoothies or find easy recipes that incorporate veggies in your meal plans. The benefits are numerous with adding just a little more green on your plate.
If you have questions about adding beneficiaries to your policies or would like to open a new policy, call Insurance Group of the Ozarks at (417) 725-1131 or find us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/igotozarks
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